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/ The 640 MEG Shareware Studio 5 / The 640 Meg Shareware Studio CD-ROM Volume V (Data Express)(1994).ISO / amiga / avm1_19.lha / servers / dolphin next >
Text File  |  1994-04-06  |  974b  |  41 lines

  1. startrecord=true
  2. port=Server.dol
  3. serialname=serial.device
  4. unitnumber=0
  5. ringswomessages=4
  6. ringswmessages=2
  7. minsilentanswerrings=2
  8. modemtype=Dolphin
  9. setupstringbc=AT&F
  10. setupstringav=
  11. recordinglength=60
  12. silenceinterval=70
  13. silencethreshold=16
  14. compression=MTDADPCM2_6400
  15. ringbackgoesaway=70
  16. ringbackneverappears=57
  17. useavmtemp=1
  18. useavmtempp=0
  19. useowndevunit=0
  20. datacallscript=handledata
  21. faxcallscript=handlefax
  22. voicecallscript0=answervoice
  23. voicecallscript1=answervoice
  24. voicecallscript2=answervoice
  25. voicecallscript3=answervoice
  26. voicecallscript4=answervoice
  27. silentanswerscript=silentanswer
  28. recordconversationscript=recordconversation
  29. otherflags=#CanDoSyncCodes
  30. otherflags=UsesHardwareHandshaking
  31. otherflags=NeedsOKAfterATVLS
  32. otherflags=VoiceParmsChangeableWhenConnected
  33. otherflags=#CanReadDTMFWhileConnected
  34. otherflags=WaitInVoiceMode
  35. otherflags=NeedsATHToHangup
  36. otherflags=#Needs2FaxTones
  37. otherflags=RetryAfterPortUsedError
  38. otherflags=GrabModem
  39. otherflags=ResyncModem
  40. endrecord=true